
An Ideal Partner for Efficient & Cost-effective Logistics for Electronic Companies

Manufacturing electronic items is a complex process and are often manufactured in huge volume. Despite all the measures taken to maintain the quality and integrity of these electronic items, mistakes still happen. Most of the mistakes often go unnoticed and the items are distributed further for shipping to the customers. This eventually leads to the return of the electronic goods, bad customer experience and loss of money.

A man watching computer

Batch Processing

To avoid this and to easily trace the electronic items with faulty issues, the traditional and effective methodology of batch processing proves to be significant. At AWL, we give a batch number or lot number whenever we receive a group of electronic items from the manufacturer. Each group of items will have a unique lot number and each product will be given a unique serial number. Batch processing and serial number management offer a number of benefits like quality control, quick identification of items with the faulty issues, easy management of the inventory and high efficiency.

FIFO (First In First Out):

Unfortunately, all the electronic items and systems are not designed or manufactured to last forever. Some of the components do have a limited shelf life and comes with an expiration date. Such components slowly deteriorate over time giving rise to a few issues or completely damaging the entire electronic system.

So to ensure that all the electronic goods are shipped in time, FIFO (First in First out) methodology is used for proper inventory management. The process is simple, the items you received first that are held longest in the inventory and are closest to the expiration date are moved out first to be eventually sold.

White Goods

AWL also deals in White goods which are generally referred as household appliances. As these equipment were usually available in enamel-coatings in earlier days and were coloured white hence named as white goods. Now a days, you can get white goods in a wide range of colours. AWL India has been dealing successfully into the electronics segment from years now.


Warehouse kitting is probably the most effective way to optimize your inventory in order to save time and money. Kitting is a process wherein items with different yet related SKUs are morphed together to create a new SKU. The process involves fulfilling customer orders by assembling several individual electronic items into kits rather than shipping them individually.

AWL Warehouse Kitting Services offer the following benefits

  • Boosts efficiency and accuracy with organized inventory management
  • Reduced labor costs and improved packaging
  • Efficient order fulfillment
  • Swift and easy shipping process

Why choose our service

In this fast-paced world, the efficient delivery of products on-time and with great accuracy is the key to survival. To ensure that you stay ahead in this competitive market, we offer exceptional logistics solutions to all the companies dealing with consumer electronics on a day-to-day basis. We also guarantee you optimum flexibility and agility when it comes to the packaging and distribution of these products. We help you improve your planning and collaboration within the supply chain to speed up the distribution of finished goods. AWL is also equipped to handle high-end storage, labelling and packaging of your electronic goods.

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